



Hilltop Community Winter Meeting Minutes

January 26, 2019 



Our Winter Party and brief business meeting were held this year at Norma Wangel’s home. Carol L. organized the pot luck dinner, purchased the disposable items needed and helped with set up.  Lenny purchased the wine and other beverages.



The party was attended by 17 Hilltop families (exactly the same as last year). There were 29 individuals in all (also exactly the same).


Ron Stern, Hilltop’s President, presided over the meeting,


Lenny gave the Treasurer’s report and said that he would be sending an email in the near future regarding the dues for 2019. The dues will remain the same at $150 per household per year.


Ron presented detailed information regarding the plans for the renovations and construction at Cabin John Village (formerly Cabin John Shopping Center).  Three of the four new restaurants opened during the past year.


There is much information online about the plans, including a site plan.  If you google “Cabin John Village,” you can keep up to date.


 One concern is that there will not be enough parking spaces especially after the townhouses are built. Also that the parking spaces are not wide enough. Parking is already tighter with the new restaurants.


Importantly, Hilltop elections will take place at the 4th of July brunch and business meeting. We will be electing a new treasurer and secretary.  Also a new Social Committee Chairperson will be “appointed’ by the president. This, of course, is a volunteer position and we hope someone will volunteer.  


As the meeting concluded, Ron gave special thanks to Norma for graciously allowing us to have the party in her home, and to Carol for organizing everything.